On May 13th, COFCO Corporation President & COFCO International Chairman Yu Xubo and Mr. Pierre Maudet, Geneva State Councilor of Switzerland signed a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of COFCO International Co. Ltd. and the State of Geneva respectively, witnessed by Madame Doris Leuthard, President of the Swiss Confederation, Mr. Geng Wenbing, Chinese ambassador to Switzerland and COFCO Corporation Chairman Zhao Shuanglian.
On April 24th, COFCO International announced the creation in Geneva of its global corporate and trading headquarters. Upon the signing of the MOU, COFCO International and the State of Geneva will enhance mutual intercommunication and strengthen bilateral cooperation in commodity trading between China and Switzerland in accordance with the “Belt and Road” initiative. The State of Geneva will lend full support to COFCO International’s business expansion in Switzerland and provide a friendly business environment.
On that evening, the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce organized “Gala of the Sino-Swiss Business Awards”. President of Switzerland Doris Leuthard attended the ceremony and delivered a speech in which she expressed Switzerland’s appreciation of “Belt and Road” initiative and her confidence that the building of “Belt and Road” can spur more investments and promote people’s welfare in countries along the “Belt and Road”. Switzerland is ready to take an active part in this initiative and contribute to the cooperation in building the “Belt and Road”. She also hoped that both countries continue to vigorously push on cooperation in various fields including academic research, R&D, energy, finance, and tourism so as to boost interconnectivity among enterprises and enhance business sustainability.
Vice President of the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce Martin announced COFCO International as the winner of the “Sino-Swiss Business Special Award”. He expressed his gratitude toward COFCO International for choosing Geneva as its global headquarters, which he considered a landmark event in the history of Sino-Swiss relations.
On behalf of COFCO International, Yu Xubo received the award presented by Pierre Maudet, Geneva State Councilor in charge of the Department of Security and Economy. Yu Xubo was also invited to present “Outstanding Achievement for Transnational Company” award to Nestle.
Michael Kleiner, Economic Development Officer at State of Geneva, Zhou Shun, China Chief Representative of Greater Geneva Berne Area Agency and Qing Lijun, director of Strategic Investment Department of COFCO Corporation attended the signing ceremony and award ceremony.
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