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Foundations were Laid for COFCO Great Wall Wine (Xinjiang) Co., Ltd. Release Time : 2012-06-06

Foundations were laid for COFCO Great Wall Wine (Xinjiang) Co., Ltd. in the Wujiaqu Youth League Farm of the Sixth Agricultural Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps on May 2, 2012.

This project is invested by COFCO Great Wall Wine (Yantai) Co., Ltd. It is a new move made by China Foods Limited to utilize globally competitive resources to execute its global chateau group strategy. High-end chateaus will be established to promote wine culture and experience.
Competition in the wine industry focuses on control of good grape growing regions. Xinjiang is one of them. COFCO will integrate its value chain strategy with local resouces to build another foothold in the northwest market. This project is also intrumental to improving local industrial structure and driving rural economy.

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