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    主页 > EN > Investors > China Shengmu

    China Shengmu

    Stock Code:01432.HK

    Company Name(Chinese):中国圣牧有机奶业有限公司

    Company Name(English):China Shengmu Organic Milk Limited

    Business Scope:The principal activity of the Company is investment holding and its subsidiaries are mainly engaged in dairy farming, production and sales of high-end desert-based organic raw milk and quality non-organic raw milk.

    Category:Dairy industry

    Registered Address:P.O. Box 309, Ugland House,Grand Cayman, KY1-1104, Cayman Islands

    Office Address:Unit 1303, 13/F,Hua Fu Commercial Building,111 Queen’s Road West,Hong Kong

    Chairman:Mr. Lu Minfang

    Executive Directors:Mr. Zhang Jiawang

    Non-Executive Directors:Mr. Lu Minfang,Mr. Sun Qian,Mr. Zhang Ping,Mr. Zhao Jiejun,Ms. Shao Lijun

    Independent Non-Executive Directors:Mr. Wang Liyan,Mr. Wu Liang,Mr. Sun Yansheng

    Company Secretary:Mr. AU Wai Keung





    Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office:Tricor Investor Services Limited Level 54, Hopewell Centre,183 Queen’s Road East,Hong Kong

    Principal Bankers:Bank of China Limited (Hohhot Zhongshan Sub-branch),Agricultural Bank of China Limited (Hohhot Horinger Sub-branch),Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (Hohhot Branch),Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. (Hohhot Xilin Sub-branch),Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. (Hohhot Ulan Sub-branch),Export-Import Bank of China (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Branch)

    Solicitor:Hong Kong Law:Linklaters
    Cayman Islands Law:Maples and Calder
