
主页 > EN > Investors > Fountain Set

Fountain Set

Stock Code:00420.HK

Stock Name:Fountain Set

Company Name:Fountain Set (Holdings) Ltd.

Major Business:

One of the world’s largest and long-established fabric manufacturers, the Fountain Set Group produces knitted fabric and garments through vertically integrated operations in fabric knitting, dyeing, printing, finishing and garment manufacturing, for many of the renowned apparel retailers and brands.

As a strong believer of research and development, we collaborate with brands and suppliers to develop innovative and creative fabric and garment products to consumers all over the world. Headquartered in Hong Kong and listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the Fountain Set Group has 8 production facilities in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”), Sri Lanka and Indonesia, with marketing and representative offices in 4 countries and a global staff force of close to 7,600 strong.

Chinatex Corporation Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of COFCO Corporation, has become the largest shareholder of the Company since 2012. COFCO Corporation is a state-wholly-owned enterprise established in the PRC and a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of the PRC.

Industry:Textile manufacturing

Registered Address:Block A, 6/F., Eastern Sea Industrial Building, 29-39 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories

Office Address:Block A, 6/F., Eastern Sea Industrial Building, 29-39 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories

Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director:Mr. ZHAO Yao

Executive Directors:Messes. LIU Xianfu, TAO Yongming, YAU Hang Tat Andrew and ZHANG Zheng

Non-executive Directors:Dr. YEN Gordon(Non-executive Vice Chairman)and Mr. SUN Fuji

Independent Non-executive Directors:Messes. NG Kwok Tung, YING Wei, William LAM and WONG Kwong Chi

Chief Financial Officer:Mr. HE Zhongling

Company Secretary:Ms. CHENG Wai Han Charmaine

Tel:852 2485 1881

Fax:(852) 2418 7048



Hong Kong Share Registers: Boardroom Share Registers (HK) Limited

                                                  Room 2103B, 21/F., 148 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong

Principal Banks:Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

                            The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

                            Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

                            Hang Seng Bank Limited

                            Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

                            CTBC Bank Co., Limited

