
主页 > EN > Investors > COFCO Joycome

COFCO Joycome

Stock Code:01610.HK

Stock Abbreviation:COFCO Joycome

Company Name(Chinese):尊龙凯时ag家佳康食品有限公司

Company Name (English):COFCO Joycome Foods Limited

Business Scope:Feed production, hog production, slaughtering and cutting, production, distribution and sale of fresh pork and processed meat products, import and distribution of meat products (including pork, beef, poultry and mutton)

Category:Food Production

Registered Address:Second Floor, Century Yard, Cricket Square, P.O. Box 902, Grand Cayman, KY1-1103, Cayman Islands

HK Address:33/F, COFCO Tower, 262 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

China HQ Address:COFCO Fortune Plaza, 8th Chaoyang South Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Chairman of the Board, Executive Director and General Manager:Mr. JIANG Guojin

Non-Executive Directors:Mr. MA Dewei, Dr. ZHAO Wei, Mr. SHI Bo

Independent Non-Executive Directors:Mr. FU Tingmei, Mr. LI Michael Hankin,Dr. JU Jiandong

Financial Controller:Mr. LI Lei

Company Secretary:Dr. ZHANG Nan, Ms. Chau Hing Ling

Investor Relations and Public Relations:Dr. ZHANG Nan, Ms. WANG Xiuling

Tel:(86) 10-85005365

Fax:(86) 10-85623500



Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office:Tricor Investor Services Limited, Hong Kong

Principal Bankers:Agricultural Bank of China Limited
                               Beijing Branch of Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. 
                               Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
